Greta Anet Ojavee
BAUA Student Awards 2022
Master's project, Tutor: Ioannis Lykouras
The city of Tallinn has created a staircase resocialization system for the homeless, however, practice shows that a more efficient approach exists - Housing First. An alternative strategy to help the homeless prioritises the provision of permanent housing, thereby, acting as a platform to support personal goals and a better quality of life. The model is based on four principles: housing enables independent lives, respect of choice, rehabilitation and empowerment of the resident, and integration into the community and society. Given research describes how it is possible to apply previous principles through architecture and thus create a unique urban quarter supporting resocialization by the example of C. R. Jakobsoni Street 14 and J. Kunderi Street 15 in the Tallinn city centre. The solutions were based on the following concepts: openness to the community, flexible structure, phenomenology, salutogenic design, biophilia in architecture, feeling of home, circularity and involvement of the street homeless.
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