Helin Kuldkepp

MUNICIPAL STRATEGY IN URBAN REGENERATION: Emphasizing Municipal Land and Land Value Capture in Spatial Planning - A Case Study of Lasnamäe

Master's, Tutors: Andres Ojari, Douglas Gordon, Andres Alver, Eik Hermann

This master's thesis offered diverse opportunities for local governments to achieve systematic regeneration of urban districts using their own resources in cooperation with the private sector. Two selected methods were the use of municipal land and the land value capture (LVC) model, allowing local governments to act as the primary curators of their spaces while encouraging private sector involvement. This was achieved by offering additional density and taxing the value added through LVC, creating mutual benefits for both the local government and the private sector.

The main focus was on Tallinn, but the strategies developed can be applied to all Estonian local governments. The pilot project focused on Lasnamäe, an area in need of regeneration and rich in municipal land. Through the Lasnamäe pilot project, I demonstrated strategies such as transit-oriented densification, long-term leasing of municipal land for socially cohesive developments, and densification of private developments to fund infrastructure.

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