Danna Degle-Uškāne

Architecture-based Solutions for Improving Livability of Vidzeme Market Quarter in Riga

Master's, Tutor: Sandra Treija

"Architecture-based Solutions for Improving Livability of Vidzeme Market Quarter in Riga," focuses on improving the livability of a culturally and historically significant urban area through architecture-based solutions. It addresses urban challenges like environmental degradation, non-compliance with modern standards, and population decline in the historical cores. The goal is to enhance livability and promote urban density by transforming Vidzeme Market into a vibrant, multi-functional hub within a compact city framework.

Three interventions are proposed.

A two-level landscaping platform that reorganizes the inner-quarter space, creating a public market square and peaceful community spaces for nearby inhabitants. The second is a multifunctional market square with adaptable canopies for markets, cultural events, and exhibits. The third is a co-living CLT modular residential building with diverse housing typologies, fostering community and expanding affordable living options.

The project highlights multifunctionality, adaptability, and alternative housing models to increase urban livability and sustainability.

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